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Jeanne Townsend


Jeanne Townsend started her meditation journey over thirty years ago with Transcendental Meditation. After other spiritual exploration, her path finally took her to her current teacher, the well-respected Mindfulness teacher Shinzen Young, with whom she has been studying and attending retreats for the last thirteen years. He has trained her as a facilitator to coach and teach Mindfulness Meditation to others. Jeanne bases her teaching primarily on the work of Shinzen Young, but also includes influences from other experienced meditation teachers.


Jeanne has led daylong retreats at VSI Vipassana Support International and Sunday meditation at Against the Stream. She has held classes at Glendale Community College for students and faculty and also in the community education program there. In addition, she has taught at various yoga studios and community health programs in the Los Angeles area. She also coaches privately developing and providing individual guidance and feedback.


Through her own personal experience and based on current research at Harvard, UCLA and other institutions,  the benefits of Mindfulness practice are clear. It is her wish to bring Mindfulness to as many people as possible, especially in schools, health fields, corporate environments, and in the home.



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